Window blinds are subjected to a lot yet can be overlooked when cleaning the house and ensuring your indoors look vibrant. Sometimes, pulling down your current blinds to bring in the latest systole can be refreshing. Furthermore, you can change your window blinds as often as you like, once a year at the very least. However, replacing the blinds can also depend on factors that dictate why you should put new ones or how often. Keep reading to learn more.

How Often To Replace Your Window Blinds, And Why?

The need to change your blinds can be because of a range of things like appearance, quality, functionality, among others. For instance, operating the blinds and how often you clean them plays a crucial role in their longevity. It would help if you considered the different working parts and their complexities in operating them, the various elements in play that can go wrong, the fabric type (quality), and what the blinds are exposed to in their environment.

You reduce the grime and dust built up on your blinds whenever you clean them; thus, extending their lifespan. Cleaning also ensures you do not encounter any problems when operating the mechanisms. Furthermore, operating the clean blinds regularly does help reduce the build-up of grime and dust, meaning the moving parts have a minimal chance of getting stuck or stiffening.

Window treatments do exude an aesthetic that adds to your overall indoor décor. That aspect is also an essential factor influencing how often you can change your blinds. Perhaps what you currently have might look dated, and you need to go with the latest design and trends. Conversely, you could be thinking of switching things up in your home, doing a quick redecoration, and the current blinds do not fit with the look you want. Therefore, you have no choice but to replace your window blinds. If you are looking for pergola blinds then see here.

The reality is people often change their blinds every seven or eight years as part of their home revamp project. They tend to go for made-to-measure window treatments because they have better quality fabric than the mass-produced, readymade blinds that last a short period. However, the latter presents an opportunity to stay abreast with changing styles because you replace them after a year or so. But what to pick ultimately boils down to your budget and personal taste and preference.

Primarily, functionality will be as significant as aesthetics in determining if it is time to replace your blinds. It poses a safety concern when operating the window treatments.

Firstly, you should ensure your current blinds are child-safe and get the latest options that meet the child safety standards in the UK. It is best to get them from a reputable retailer. The child safety requirement comes as standard and is hard to void if you install the blinds according to the manufacturer’s instructions. We highly recommend updating your window blinds if you purchased your current ones before 2014, which is when the child safety standard was last updated. Some blinds can be redone to bring them up to spec by fitting them with the necessary safety elements like fitting a breakaway feature, securing the blinds’ cords, and cutting them down to the recommended length.

Secondly, you are bound to encounter problems with the blind’s mechanism, forcing you to fix the issue or replace the blinds. Your blinds will wear out as you operate them regularly, but how fast this happens depends on the quality of the materials and the build of the different moving parts in the blinds. Some of these parts are replaceable but doing so might not be worth the effort if you use dated window blinds.


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